If you are considering debt consolidation, the biggest mistake you could possibly make is to take out another loan. If you are drowning in deep credit card debt, consolidation is definitely a high priority, but you might be able to prioritize and reorganize your payments without having to go deeper into debt.

Many consumers today don't realize that they have many options available to help them handle their debts. A debt consolidation loan is just one alternative in a long list of debt relief options. A consolidation loan should be considered only after evaluating all your debts and coming up with a Plan Of Action! You must be certain that you are making the most practical decision based upon you're specific financial situation.

Most consumers considering debt consolidation have read a few articles here or there, but don't understand the magnitude of what debt consolidation really is or how it will affect their credit in the long run. For example, if there is a way to get out of debt without having to go through credit counseling or debt settlement for example, you could preserve your credit score and qualify for much lower interest rates in the future saving you thousands of dollars.

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The point is, there are different levels of debt consolidation, you should choose the level that best suits the severity of your financial situation.

Basically, there are six levels of debt consolidation, try out step one, if it works well for you, great! Use it to get out of debt. If not, move to step two and give it a shot. Each step gets a bit more drastic and affects your credit score a bit more, but there is a debt consolidation action plan that will work for you.

Step One is constructing a Debt Pay Off Plan. Many consumers have stacks of bills and credit cards that they pay monthly, but have no idea exactly what they owe or how many months of payments must be made until their debts are paid in full.

If you truly want to get out of debt, it is imperative that you know exactly what you owe and have a specific repayment plan in place. With a clear plan, many people who once thought their only hope was to file bankruptcy found out that they really can handle their own debts with a rock solid debt consolidation pay off plan.

The secret to a successful debt consolidation pay off plan is to reorganize payments so that as much money as possible goes toward paying down the principle debt, and as little as possible goes toward paying interest.

There are two keys to optimizing your debt consolidation payments this way; one is having a rock solid written plan for paying off your debts, and knowing the formula to pay off your debts as fast as possible.

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